Scott Vaughan - Are you on a Hamster Wheel or a Rocket Ship?

15 years ago, marketing used be all about trade shows, logos and tsotchkes. Today, technology is the driving force. Changes in marketing are easy to recognize, changes in human behavior and teamwork? Not so much.
Since the beginning of the pandemic, teamwork and leadership have gone through a similar dramatic change as various marketing companies have experienced. In this episode of The Teamwork Advantage, Scott Vaughan takes us through the changes that have transpired in the past two years and discusses how great leaders now need to think differently as it relates to their team members and their teams as a whole.

Scott talks about change management. From how we go to market with new products to how our teams work. McKinsey & Company have said that a quarter of strategic initiatives fail. Not because the idea was poor or because the technology was bad. They fail when leadership doesn't recognize how these initiatives will impact their people.  The massive changes of the last few years has had a dramatic impact on the workforce. When leaders fail to recognize this, their initiatives fail.
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