Dr. Donte Vaughn & Randall Powers - Can Culture be Measured?

It has often been said that you cannot measure the soft skills such as teamwork, motivated staff, and culture in business. In everyday business, we have systems or processes in place for safety, manufacturing, assembly, and call time. So why not for culture?
Our guests for this episode of The Teamwork Advantage not only believe culture can be measured, they have designed a process to allow you to do just that.  In this very in-depth discussion, Dr. Donte Vaughn shares the seven pillars of a successful and powerful organizational culture. Randall Powers shares how these processes come to life and can be duplicated in ANY organization.

Strap in, get your note taking mechanism ready, and prepare for this incredibly fast-paced episode! You will want to listen multiple times to make sure you hear everything. Don’t miss a second and be sure to send this one to your CEO.
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