Darrin Jahnel - The Tight Connection, Strategies for Building a Dynamic Team

Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Employee Retention, Powerful Motivation – all of this is covered in this power-packed episode with CEO Darrin Jahnel.
Growth is one thing. Keeping employees engaged and motivated is another. In this episode of The Teamwork Advantage, Darrin Jahnel shares his secrets for taking a software development company from three employees (two of them being Darrin and his brother) to a powerful team of 150 in just 10 years.

Darrin shares the story of his 3rd employee and the fact that she is still with them a decade later. His hiring funnel is impressive. His techniques to keep his teams engaged are awe-inspiring, yet surprisingly simple for anyone to duplicate. 
So often the idea of a development team collaborating with the operations team is “wishful thinking.” Darrin shares how he gets his team to partner with clients as well as other teams within the Jahnel Group to accomplish extraordinary success.
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